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And So It Begins…

12 Dec Posted by in News Blasts | Comments Off on And So It Begins…
And So It Begins…

“I know, laddie.  That’s where I’m steering the ship… YEEEEE HHAAAAAWWWWWWWW!”
–Actual conversation heard from the good ship BrodyLubber just moments before crashing into an iceberg and taking on water. There were no survivors…
Or so we thought…..
The TWO MEN struggled to the surface of the icy water, their heads bobbing on the waves like wet ping pong balls dancing on ripples of velvety blue curtains.  The tide slowly pulled them to the mass of a tiny, singular island dot, surround by icy water and dense smoke floating from the smashed and burning ship in the distance, itself, taking its last breath before surrendering to the murky depths below.
As the two drenched men wheezed and gasped and clawed their way through the thick sand to stand on the open beach, one of them finally spoke, breaking the eerie silence with his raspy voice, “We made it.  We made it, Monkus!”
“We’re alive…we’re ALIVE Lumpus!!” cried Monkus, dropping to his knees, his hands raised upwards towards the slowly rising sun.
Lumpus collapsed next to him and simply smiled, staring down at the sparkling sand, his eyes aglow by the sight of land around him. Then suddenly, his face shifted, a concern upon his brow.  “Do you still have it?” he said sternly.  “The radio?”
Monkus frantically searched throughout his coat pockets, a momentary look of panic and dread on his face.  Until…
“Yes!  I’ve got it!” 
He pulled a small, dingy and banged-up old time radio from his trouser pockets.  It almost didn’t look real, more like a tiny model… a miniature stolen from the living room of a 1920s doll house.  The men looked at it for a long moment.
“Will it….does it still work?” Lumpus asked, his voice cracking with a tinge of fear.
Monkus twisted the tiny radio knob with his fingers and for a moment, nothing……silence.  The two survivors looked on in abject horror.  
But then, ever so quietly, a faint crackle of fuzz came forth, and the two men sighed.  And then louder, the static fuzz of white noise grew…
…until finally, faint music was heard, followed by a voice which floated up through the flutter, rising from the tiny speaker…
“…and that was the latest single by the American pop band, Funkus Brody…”
The two men quickly looked up at each other, a shared memory unfolded in each of their minds…
…a thought recalled in that single solitary moment of time that took them back – took them forward – to that exact place where it all began…
…where the music, where that song, would be created….
…forty-seven years from now.
“It worked,” said Lumpus.


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